Tuesday, February 21, 2006

WSJ.com - In Search of Presidential Earmarks

WSJ.com - In Search of Presidential Earmarks: "February 21, 2006; Page A6

WASHINGTON -- Presidents like pork, too.

With Congress on the defensive about members' appetites for earmarks -- those funds in spending bills dedicated to projects special to constituents and contributors -- Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill are taking a look at President Bush's plate of spending favorites. And his wife's as well.

There's the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian program, which this year has $24 million for grants to train people for the first lady's former profession. For the fiscal year that starts in October, Mr. Bush seeks $10 million for Preserve America grants for communities' historic preservation efforts and $50 million for the Helping America's Youth Initiative -- also among programs championed by Mrs. Bush.

While the Education Department's budget would be cut, Mr. Bush proposes a 16% increase to $204 million for teaching sexual abstinence in high schools, a popular cause for social conservatives. The president's $5.3 billion request for the Army Corps of Engineers includes scores of proposed water and wetlands projects."


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