America's Anchorman: Port Story Swerves, Turns Into Tsunami
America's Anchorman: Port Story Swerves, Turns Into Tsunami:
You are hearing that I am not just ripping this deal like everybody else is; you're wondering if, "Oh, is Rush...?" It's sort of like the backlash I got when NAFTA was going on out there, but it is a free-trade issue economically and that's why economically it makes all the sense in the world, but I'm not going to belabor that. I do want to give you the details here.
"This is the first time in four years that I can recall a Democrat seriously being concerned about this group of people, and this is racism. This is racism. We are concluding that all Arabs are terrorists. We are concluding that every damn one of them -- be they a sheik, an emir -- they are all terrorists. They all have ties to terrorists and they all seek our utter, total destruction, and we can't risk an exception to that. They're all that way -- and welcome to racism Democrats, because the Democrats are leading the show on this just as well as a lot of conservatives are. So when Democrats are illustrating their racism, their xenophobia, they're also demonstrating that they fully acknowledge we have an enemy. Well, this is a tenuous position for them to take because their kook base doesn't believe any of this."
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