The New York Times > Abu Ghraib Scandal: High-Ranking Officers May Face Prosecution in Iraqi Prisoner Abuse, Military Officials Say
The New York Times > National > Abu Ghraib Scandal: High-Ranking Officers May Face Prosecution in Iraqi Prisoner Abuse, Military Officials Say:
"But the scandal, which exploded last spring, has led to several Pentagon investigations that have found what one called 'personal responsibility at higher levels,' not only for failure to supervise and enforce discipline, but also in some cases for condoning and encouraging mistreatment of detainees in cell blocks and during interrogations.
That report implicated 29 other military intelligence soldiers in at least 44 cases of abuse from July 2003 to February 2004, including one death, beatings, using dogs to threaten adolescent detainees, and having prisoners stripped naked and left for hours in dark, poorly ventilated cells that were stifling hot or freezing cold.
A classified portion of the report said Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, the former top commander in Iraq, approved the use there of some interrogation practices intended to be limited to captives held in Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay, Cuba." MORE...
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