Saturday, January 15, 2005 - Soldier pleads guilty to failing in duty at Abu Ghraib / News / World / Middle East / Soldier pleads guilty to failing in duty at Abu Ghraib:

...Ambuhl was sentenced to a reduction in rank from specialist to private and was ordered to forfeit half a month's pay...

"Ambuhl was praised by several detainees for treating them well, and in at least one instance she aided a detainee who was having trouble breathing after being punched in the chest by another soldier, the documents showed.

Volzer said Ambuhl's punishment is appropriate because of her limited involvement, but he said he is dismayed by the lack of accountability by higher-ranking officials who he says condoned the abuse.

''My position is that . . . the people who gave the orders should also be punished,' Volzer said. ''Since the orders came down from the White House, someone has to bear responsibility for it.'" MORE...


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