Monday, June 12, 2006

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Anger erupts in Saddam courtroom

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Anger erupts in Saddam courtroom: "US lawyer Curtis Doebbler complained the defence was 'at a serious disadvantage' because of the handling of the trial.

'We want to work for justice, but that can only happen by having a fair trial and, under the current circumstances, that doesn't seem possible,' Mr Doebbler said.

He added that it took the prosecution more than five months to present its case, while the defence is being 'rushed' to conclude within weeks.

'Our witnesses have been intimidated by the court and have been assaulted,' Mr Doebbler added.


The accused were all present at the court when the session got under way, relayed as usual to the outside world via video link with a short delay.

Saddam Hussein in court on 29 May 2006
Saddam Hussein could face the death penalty if convicted
However, Saddam Hussein's half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti was ordered out of the courtroom after repeatedly interrupting the chief judge, Rauf Abdel Rahman.

He accused the judge of being a "dictator" who had made two of his former bodyguards "frightened to testify".

"You are the frightening one," the judge retorted, before ordering him to be thrown out.

The defendant struggled with guards, who pushed him into a wall as he tried to free arms from their grip.

"They are beating him in front of your eyes, right at the door," defence lawyer Muhammad Munib shouted at the judge.

"How can we ask you to protect the defendant when they beat him right in front of you?"



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