Friday, June 09, 2006

9/11 commissioner criticizes Coulter - Yahoo! News

9/11 commissioner criticizes Coulter - Yahoo! News: "Former Rep. Tim Roemer, D-Ind., a member of the commission that investigated the Sept. 11 attacks, called Coulter's 'hate-filled attack on the patriotic heroes of 9/12 — the widows of 9/11 — reprehensible and undignified.'

Roemer urged people not to buy her book. 'Americans shouldn't contribute to her profiting from these vicious remarks.'

Rep. Rahm Emmanuel, D-Ill., said Thursday on the House floor that Coulter is a 'hatemonger' and called on Republicans to denounce her: 'I must ask my colleagues on the other side of the aisle: Does Ann Coulter speak for you when she suggests poisoning not Supreme Court Justices or slanders the 9/11 ... widows? If not, speak now. Your silence allows her to be your spokesman.'

Among Coulter's previous statements, she advocated the invasion of non-Christian nations after Sept. 11 and the deportation from the U.S. of 'all aliens from Arabic countries.' She said American Taliban John Walker should be executed to show liberals what happens to traitors. And she said the only real question about
President Clinton was 'whether to impeach or assassinate.'"


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