Thursday, November 10, 2005

Capitol Hill Blue: GOP memo touts new terror attack as way to reverse party's decline

Capitol Hill Blue: GOP memo touts new terror attack as way to reverse party's decline:

"A confidential memo circulating among senior Republican leaders suggests that a new attack by terrorists on U.S. soil could reverse the sagging fortunes of President George W. Bush as well as the GOP and 'restore his image as a leader of the American people.'

The closely-guarded memo lays out a list of scenarios to bring the Republican party back from the political brink, including a devastating attack by terrorists that could “validate” the President’s war on terror and allow Bush to “unite the country” in a “time of national shock and sorrow.”

The memo says such a reversal in the President's fortunes could keep the party from losing control of Congress in the 2006 midterm elections."


At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a frightening memo, since it has now become clear that the administration might actually rig a terrorist attack in order to stay in power.


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