As Test Scores Jump, Raleigh Credits Integration by Income - New York Times
As Test Scores Jump, Raleigh Credits Integration by Income - New York Times: "September 25, 2005
RALEIGH, N.C. - Over the last decade, black and Hispanic students here in Wake County have made such dramatic strides in standardized reading and math tests that it has caught the attention of education experts around the country.
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Jenny Warburg for The New York Times
Schools in Wake County, N.C., are economically diverse by design.
The main reason for the students' dramatic improvement, say officials and parents in the county, which includes Raleigh and its sprawling suburbs, is that the district has made a concerted effort to integrate the schools economically.
Since 2000, school officials have used income as a prime factor in assigning students to schools, with the goal of limiting the proportion of low-income students in any school to no more than 40 percent."
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