Sunday, August 28, 2005

: Iraq delegates reject 'US' constitution [August 28, 2005]

The Australian: Iraq delegates reject 'US' constitution [August 28, 2005]: "August 28, 2005

A SUNNI Arab delegate on the committee drafting Iraq's constitution said all his colleagues on the panel objected to a draft presented to parliament overnight and would campaign against it in an October referendum.

'We have not agreed on this constitution. We have objections which are the same as we had from day one,' Hussein al-Falluji said, saying he was speaking for all Sunni delegates and denying suggestions the group was split.

'If there is no forging of the results, I believe the people will say 'No' to the American constitution,' he said, in reference to an expected referendum in October.

'This is an American constitution and we will not accept it no matter what,' he said."


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