Sunday, May 08, 2005

Gore award, Online ads, Army power, IIT profile, Tsunami warning - 05/05/05

Gore award, Online ads, Army power, IIT profile, Tsunami warning - 05/05/05:

"Al Gore may have been lampooned for taking credit in the Internet's development, but organizers of the Webby Awards for online achievements don't find it funny at all.

In part to 'set the record straight,' they will give Gore a lifetime achievement award for three decades of contributions to the Internet, said Tiffany Shlain, the awards' founder and chairwoman.

'It's just one of those instances someone did amazing work for three decades as congressman, senator and vice president and it got spun around into this political mess,' Shlain said.

Vint Cerf, undisputedly one of the Internet's key inventors, will give Gore the award at a June 6 ceremony in New York.

'He is indeed due some thanks and consideration for his early contributions,' Cerf said."


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