Tuesday, March 08, 2005

O.A.S. to Reopen Inquiry Into Massacre in El Salvador in 1981 - The New York Times > International > Americas >

The New York Times > International > Americas > O.A.S. to Reopen Inquiry Into Massacre in El Salvador in 1981:

"WASHINGTON, March 7 - The Organization of American States will reopen an investigation this week into the massacre of hundreds of peasants in 1981 at El Mozote, El Salvador, based on new forensic evidence found by anthropologists at the site, according to lawyers involved in the case.


More than 800 unarmed peasants were killed in December 1981 by soldiers from the Salvadoran Armed Forces at El Mozote, a village in the mountains of the Morazán region, near the country's southern border. The soldiers, from a battalion trained and equipped by the United States, accused the peasants of sympathizing with guerrillas. The O.A.S. is looking into whether the Salvadoran government approved the killings."


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